You got this so right, Donna. It begins with me, and until and unless I am truly willing to walk a mile in your mocassins, and until and unless I am ready to admit that what I’ve believed all my life might be skewed, and be open to the reality of what is, I am clueless. It takes courage, authentic compassion and self-examination, and self-forgiveness as we learn the truth of our own biases. Then, we’re just ready to begin to transform our own warped view of the world. I believe we liberals have the hardest time doing this — but, at least we do try. I’m probably not quite as far left as you, but am married to a beautiful (and fat) girl who would probably make you look like a centrist. She constantly challenges me to see from the socialist perspective. I’ll probably never fully fit into those mosassins, but at least I try to walk in them (until my feet start to hurt). We can change, a day at a time, a conversation at a time — as long as we never pat ourselves on the back and say, “I’ve arrived.” That’ll never happen. We just keep unfolding.