What a bummer! I have to admit, this article made me feel a whole lot better about my one untouchable, when it comes to food — fresh cherries. Few things in this world do I love more than fresh cherries — red, white, lucious, juicy, if I eat one I can eat a hundred, and therein, I suspect, lies the problem. I have diverticulosis, but have only suffered two diverticulitis attacks — the one common element in both attacks was cherries. I had gorged on them the day before each attack, about 5 years apart. So, no more cherries for me. Now is the season when they start romancing me in the fruit section of the supermarket. I think, “Maybe it wasn’t the cherries — maybe I could just eat a few of them.” But, those attacks were so horrific, those thoughts are quickly supplanted by, “Back away slowly from the cherries — you know you can’t eat just one. One is too many, a thousand never enough….” I really miss my cherries!