Thanks for sharing this. My son came out in his junior year of high school. I’ve always been grateful that it didn’t take him longer to figure it out — I think his one dating experience with a girl was the final straw that gave him the courage, and perhaps awareness, to push him over the edge to admitting who he was. I’d had an older brother who wound up being suicidal before he finally came out at age 28. Fortunately, the awareness I gained when he came out, and my parents embraced PFLAG and shared what they were learning, fully prepared me to be there for JB when he came out to us. His formative years were much like you described yours — he was always drawn to the more traditionally young girl interests growing up, not so much into sports, although he did like to follow sports teams, just not play them. Yet, I didn’t see the obvious until it was stated — but then, it all made sense.
Ironically, he is now totally into sports, playing the “hooker” position on a gay men’s rugby team, about as rugged a sport as there is. I couldn’t be prouder of a son than I am of him. He’s a helluva guy, and truly my pride and joy. I’m glad you and your Dad have such a great relationship, as well. As I’m sure you know, it isn’t like that for a lot of LGBTQ’s. Great piece!