New in Town
Alone but not
I was new in town,
It always feels strange
Nobody knows who you are
“Don’t they know who I am?”
A part of you likes that anonymity,
Another part feels lost and alone;
You’d like to wave a wand to let them know
Instantly who you are, and why you’re here.
But, you don’t really know, now do you?
You know why you came, but not why you’re here,
In this room, in this place, at this time,
You feel out of place, out of time, out of sorts, sort of.
But you hang in, listen, and try to understand,
After the meeting, someone says your name;
Where do I know you from, you wonder?
Turns out, they know just who you are, and where you’re from.
All it takes is one to know, now you can be yourself,
The jig is up, the stranger leaves, as ‘you’ arrive,
Others come over, next thing you know,
You realize you’re never alone.