Even people with a good sense of direction can get messed up sometimes. I usually do (have a good sense of direction). But once, we were driving to Disney World from Philadelphia, with another couple and our kids, in a van. We took I-95 around D.C., which becomes part of D.C.’s Beltway. I got to talking with the guy riding shotgun and didn’t notice you had to take an exit off of the Beltway to stay on 95 heading South. When I was about halfway up the other side, now heading north, I realized my mistake. By then, it was easier to just keep going around the Beltway, then take the exit, than it would be turning around and going back. So, I did that. It added about an hour and a half to the drive. I almost got away with it, until someone noticed the Washington Monument in the distance, an hour and a half after we’d gone past it the first time. I was busted!