Amen to that! Raised Roman Catholic, converted to Congregationalism at 18, dabbled in Baha’I a bit, then Nichirin Buddhism, Born-again (very briefly), Quakers, Sat Sangs, Paramahansa Yogananda, Religious Science — there were attractive elements in each, yet I could never figure out where I fit in any of them. It was suggested I take all of my ideas of God and put them on a shelf, and just try to develop a personal relationship with something greater than myself, and that I didn’t need to make myself good enough for whatever it was I wanted to call it — I just needed to learn to trust it. Like you, my concept doesn’t fit neatly into a book or a phrase, or anything that would limit what it means to me. It simply works for me, and I’m ever grateful for the relationship I have with it. I mostly just call it the universe, but even that limits it. It just is. Thanks for this great article.